Well, I haven't blogged on here for a while. I've been on placement and then back at uni so all my spare time with Little Man, Andy and my mum and brothers...
There isn't really much to report on, we had a stint of being nearly potty trained (Taylor, not me haha). He was telling me when he needed to go and bringing me his potty/attempting to pull his pants down... all was great until we visited my friend and he just regressed - so is still in nappies blghhh!!
- Christmas was a fun one... Taylor got a bit spoilt but absolutely loved all his toys. We spent Christmas up with my mum and brothers, which was nice. I think maybe this next year we will open the presents at home/have breakfast at home and then go for christmas dinner at my mums (or dads!).
- Oh, I got my car!! :-D xx

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