Hey there. I'm Taylor (or Little Man as my mother has branded me). I just turned two and I'm as cute as anything.
I'm gonna be the star of my own blog stories - The Toddler Tales - which are all gonna be about lil'old me! I am waiting for my mummy to set me a page up on here, but she needs to bring her ancient lappytop (or something) back to life first.
A little about me - well, I love exploring. The Bigs* call it making mischief - "Pffft" is what I say to that!
If things don't go my own way, I just know the world is gonna end - again, the Bigs call it a 'tantrum' - so I scream, cry, kick, throw myself on the floor slightly - who doesn't?!
I'm also very very cute... and I will let you into a secret - all the lady peoples fall in love with me when I work my smile :-)
That's enough for now...
* Bigs - my own term for grow'd ups

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