Thursday, 27 October 2011

Pregnancy... and what they dont tell you...

Pregnancy - nine months of blissful glowing radiance-ness, with one or two symptoms for a couple of weeks and strange cravings... As - If!!!

From being about a week pregnant I had the most terrible heartburn! It was a BITCH! It made me sick all the time. At first only certain things set it of... the smell of coffee, the smell of tea, the smell of food - I could cope with that (since all I wanted was chicken) - and then WHAM! at about six weeks it just never went.

Along with the heartburn I had all-day-every-day morning sickness. It was worse if I woke up early and didnt have any breakfast until later (usually when I was at Andy's, as he was a rather selfish so and so when it came to his breakfast, and would eat it all himself humfff!). Anyway, NOTHING at all in the world would get rid of the constant sicky feeling. I was promised by numerous health professionals that it would pass by around twelve weeks. What a bleeding lie! - It was 26 weeks and 4 days that it passed (just to be precise)...

I had a few scares when I was pregnant - I was constantly in and out of hospital for bleeding. Bleeding just happens sometimes in pregnancy, and although it is quite common and sometimes for no obvious reasons - its still so scary!!! I was 8-9 weeks when I saw my Little Man on screen for the first time. He was just a blob with little bobbly bits for arms and legs and a head. It was the cutest little "blob" i had ever seen - and I cried!! Mainly with relief that that particular bout of bleeding was nothing sinister, but also because it was MY baby, and I was seeing MY baby for the first ever time!!!

The twelve week scan went great! I did decide to transfer hospitals after that scan and booking in and this resulted in me ending up with a nutter of a midwife (she was a bloody fantastic nutter to be fair! I want to be just like her when I qualify). I thought everything was going swimmingly (minus the sickness/headaches/heartburn) until I hit 18 weeks! I woke up in the most agonising pain! I was bleeding and rushed up to the hospital. Inconsolable and fearing the worst, I was strapped up to a bed (not literally, I mean around my belly) and had various people prodding and poking at me, taking blood for tests for this, that and the other... it turned out I had quite a bad kidney infection - and I could barely walk!!!!

My walking didnt ever return to its full standard during the pregnancy. Once I'd got over the kidney infection my body decided to play new tricks on me and present me with SPD (symphisis pubis dysfunction) - it was a NIGHTMARE!!

At my 20 week scan I decided against finding out the sex of the baby. The sonographer was quite abrupt with me and made me feel as though I was an inconvenience by just being there. She didnt speak to me throughout the scan and when I asked for two pictures she wasnt impressed with me. I later read my scan notes and she had put down that there had been no fetal heartbeat (which i had seen that there was) and she had also written that there were some abnormal cranial structures! Well that was me in a state until I went back. This time I had a lovely sonographer who explained to me that the baby had been in an awkward position so it's head could not be checked properly (hence why I was back) but was very apologetic over the mistake about the heart beat!! - not that it was her fault or anything, but it was good to know theyre not all bad. On the upside, everything was spot on with the baby and I was free to enjoy my pregnancy.

I had started to feel kicks a couple of weeks before I went to my 20 week scan. I LOVED it!!! I wasn't overly keen on feeling the baby flip over inside of me, but I didnt mind. It was about 22 weeks that I started feeling the baby have hiccups - and it only ever happened when I was in the bath... It was TOO CUTE!

Things seemed to be progressing nicely and I was problem free up until 28 weeks... I went to the midwife appointment where a student was running the session. She did the measuring and I was measuring a cm out, so I got packed off to hospital for another scan, this time to check the baby's growth. Everything was fine but they decided to bring me back at 32 weeks to check again. When I went back at the 32 weeks check, they took blood and said they would be in touch. At 36 weeks I went back to have another growth scan, when I got there the doctor took me into the office to explain I wasnt supposed to be there as nothing was wrong. I must have looked disappointed but when he noticed my uniform and that I was a part of that hospital he offered to give me a final scan at 39 weeks...

From 38 weeks i felt I was constantly wetting myself. I was adament my waters were breaking slowly but the midwife "assured" me that I was just "wetting myself". I wasnt convinced but went along with it, at the scan it went from calm to pandemonium! There was hardly any fluid around baby, baby was too small and my blood pressure was through the roof! so baby needed out!! and I was sent to be induced! but thats a whole other story all together...

I would just like to point out that along with all the lows of pregnancy, there were more highs! Every day was magical and It was great to have a little person inside of me - magic!! I could go on and on (but I'm rather tired and have to be up for uni in a couple of hours) so will leave the birth story for another time.


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