Sunday, 30 October 2011

The day my life changed forever...

On the 25th March 2010, I was admitted to the maternity ward to be induced. It was successful at first but once I reached 3cm the dilation stopped!

I was put on the drip and my contractions came on with a vengeance! There wasn't a break between them and this carried on until I was taken for a section the following afternoon. After 17.5 hours in labour my baby was showing signs of distress

The epidural went in fine but I had four contractions whilst it was being put in. I didn't feel the doctor cut into me, but when he put his hands in to pick up the baby I screamed and kicked! I was in agony! I was told it was just the pressure that I was feeling - but trust me, this was not "just pressure".

My blood pressure dropped and I was given oxygen for the rest of the procedure. at 14.49 my baby boy was delivered. I didn't get to see him as he was taken straight to the recovery room after having the cord wrapped round his neck twice, he needed to be checked over. When they brought him back in I could have cried (Andy did!).

He was adorable! He had a squished button nose and big dark eyes and loads of hair. I cuddled him on my chest and could do nothing for staring at him. I was in love!

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